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" Wise men will not always be at the helm."
-James Madison, The Federalist No. 10


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Thursday, April 29, 2010


Observing and listening to left wing specie boobus-americanus (H.T. Doug Casey) is a real education. Most of us have the honor, privilage, or flat out undeniable distain to be in direct contact with the "I Want My Shiney Nickle To" club members. Firm, true scouts guarding the vault doors to the collective safe of looted property from productive working taxpayers. But the weight of this big goverenance has long since gotten too heavy for the productive taxpayers to burden. The center of productive achievement, Wall Street, has been transformed into a non- profit 501(3) c for Obama Inc. The percentage of taxpayers is shrinking, the looted kitty is shrinking, and damnit, I haven't "got mine" yet. Something tells me I won't. For now, I, and millions of other working Americans continue to feed the hungry beast that robs half our modest payrolls, and reform, has something to do with retiring at 90, if I don't kick the bucket early due to a slave-doctors mistake. As you can see from the chart above, this just simply cannot go on. A turnip cannot be squeezed forever...and expected to produce juice. This is something the left just does not concern itself with. There must be taxpayers out there who are holding back, and they must be "filthy rich bastards", is probably what echoes in an average moonbats head. If you look at this mess created by the left in America, and compromised with by the right in America, NOT from a perspective of money lost, but of "time" lost, their intentions become more clear. We currently work until April something just to pay for government. It used to be, we worked until the end of the first week of January to pay for all government "services". We were a Republic then. In fifty years, based on the chart above, looks like the last week of the year will be our own, the rest will belong to "others". The philosopher Comte called this sort of thing, "altruism", or, "other-ism". If you don't like mincing words, "self-sacrifice", which has a certain, more accurate ring to it. Sacrifice, being the giving up of one or more higher values, in exchange for "lesser" values...and self-interest (its opposite), rational self interest is not, throwing grandma out the car to improve fuel milage as an altruist/collectivist/leftist would call it. 'Rational self-interest" is holding on to, treasuring, enjoying the things that "you" value, ie: self, health, wife, kid, car, computer, ink jet cartridge, ect..not ness. in that exact order. Comtes moral code of self-sacrifice has been destroying America and the world to greater or lesser degrees for centuries. Being called a selfish bastard is a negative, and its not just the bastard part. Sacrifice is held as a virtue, keeping this concept alive is ofcourse the intention for the collectors of said sacrifices, and now they are having their coming out party in DC. So if some lefty tells you your current tax rates make entitlements "unsustainable"...show him the above chart, tell him a lack of money is not exactly the root of the problem, its "time", there just isn't "enough of it". What do we call individuals who work all the time, and are either not paid, or not allowed to stop working in order to collect a paycheck? We call it slavery, plain & simple. Strip skin pigmentation out of the issue (since who gives a damn what the outer layer of anyones skin is) and you still have "slavery". That is the lefts goal, and our goal must be to assert, our right to our time, as it is to each individual, in limited quantity. Leftism is unsustainable. Bad ideas are unsustainable. The enslavement of the mind is unsustainable, man needs to think in order to survive. Remind a politician of this, send him or her a letter. Or make a free-range teleprompter and head out to a tea party or two this year. This would be a good, rationally self-interested, use of ones time...that is..if one wants to live in a free country.

Serving The First Ball

In doubles tennis its always wise to pick an apt partner, and when serving your first ball, take care not to be distracted by other things in your surroundings that do not pertain to your obstacle of winning the game.
The same could be said to the American political right in this year, 2010. While the big old soured up and worn out media giants continue to harang tea party goers as violent militiamen frothing from the mouth, actual tea party "goers" are putting as many good men and women as they can into heated primaries to stand up against whored out republican machine animals. We are also supporting some good solid existing republicans, which is easy, we live in an age of internet connectedness and few good existing politicians to support. Like Lexington, the battle over socialized medicine has been lost, but the ideas of freedom endure, the intellectual firepower, preserved, though moved, to an undisclosed location. As the GOP primaries wind down, those of us on the right need to keep our eyes on the ball now, a win for Republicans, is now a win for the tea parties. This will serve to aid the tea party cause while we regroup again for 2012. Look, sometimes when we serve tennis balls, they hit the net, we pick them up again and live to serve another day. Some elections will be lost, some primaries might see old stalwarts in the GOP nominated for their sixteenth run, so be it. As the founders did, we pick ourselves back up again and stay alive to fight another day. Even Scott Brown will have to be defeated and ousted to a Party further to the left than the rest of us, eventually. No offense Scott, but its the peoples seat. As Ernest Hemingway once said, "the sun also rises", and I think this is something very important to remember. And that doubles partner, she will get a chance to also serve, and with much delight from afront, we will keep our eyes, somehow, in the game.